Affordable Housing in Medford, Massachusetts

Medford Community Housing
PO Box 575 - Medford, MA 02155


Give as much as you feel comfortable with.

1. Many employers will match funds with your donation.

Check with your Human Resource contact to find out how.

2. If you use Amazon online, it allows you to shop all year round,

and donate at the same time to your favorite charity!

                     3.If you would like to donate through another means, please contact                                                         us

​​​​​​​​​​​Many thanks to our donors in 2023!

These donations and grants assist us in providing educational programs and affordable housing developments in the city of Medford.

Cross Country Mortgage

Pompeo Insurance
Leader Bank
City of Medford

North Suburban Consortium - Malden Redevelopment
Needham Bank

​Salem 5 Bank
​Residents Private Donations